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Occupy Wall Street? End The Fed!


I don’t think it’s much of a coincidence that my blog’s inception was within a couple of months of this ‘Occupy Wall Street’ thing. People are starting to feel the pain, and that’s the only thing that will prod us out of our media-induced stupor. Trust me, I was pretty ambivalent to this whole Bankster and New World Order stuff until a couple of years ago. At that time I was back in good ole West Lafayette (it’s not that good) on the campus of Purdue University studying for my Master’s. Just a few months earlier I had been laid off from a nice ‘9-5’ job that had all the trimmings; unfortunately, that bi-weekly direct deposit from Liberty Mutual quickly turned into a weekly check from the unemployment bureau. Not that I was complaining too much, because it was pretty awesome to get paid for doing nothing but look for jobs and going to school, but it sucked enough to motivate me to search for the truth. All I wanted to do was have a good job, go after some girls, and play Fight Night…but I got suckered into this shit because they screwed me.

Many of the ‘OWS’ protesters are in the same of boat right now, but unfortunately a lot of them are looking for the easy way out. There isn’t an easy way out, and declaring war on the ‘1%’ sure as hell aint gonna work. Neither is redistributing wealth by turning the United States into the CCCP. I’ve already written a few articles that describe what I believe we need to do in order to reverse this economic calamity (Dethrone The Banksters, Can Ron Paul Win? YES! , Silver and Gold), so I’ll use this post to discuss the meaning of this ‘movement’ and its likely outcome.

I’ve alluded to my first point already: Attacking the 1% is not going to fix the problem. If you want to try and break it down to a percentage, I believe we need to go after the top 0.00014286%, or about 10,000 people on Earth. It’s obvious that my number is a bit less than 1%, and it’s obvious that trying to quantify the percentage of people on Earth who are raping is us retarded, but there you go. The guilty aren’t the entrepreneurs who started their own business and made fat cash, nor are they the sports stars, lottery winners or trust fund babies…no, the enemy are those few Super Elite who use their power and influence to manipulate and control humanity. I’m talking about the Banksters, the Robber Barons, the Royal Families; these are the people that deserve the protesters’ ire. Yes, there are many corrupt people on Wall Street, and I’m glad they’re letting them have it, but in order to kill the Beast you gotta go for the head. Everyone knows that!

Without getting too deep into economic law, it’s a scientific fact that those at the top of the socioeconomic ladder greatly benefit the masses (the 1.00%, not the 0.00014286%). Not only do these ‘Super-Rich’ own businesses that employ millions of people, they account for billions of dollars in economic activity. While I’m not saying that the building of a $100 million yacht is necessarily the best possible use of wealth, it’s impossible to deny that such a project sustains hundreds of well-paying jobs. You have the guys at the corporate office, you have the engineers who design the boat, you have the guys who physically construct the ship, you have the captain and crew….you have a good idea what I’m talking about. From a purely economic standpoint, these ‘Super-Rich’ are easily the most valuable 1% of our economy. If you declare war on them you’re actually declaring war on economic activity, which is the opposite of what we need to do right now. What we need to do right now is elect Ron Paul to End the Fed and re-instate the Glass-Stegall  Act, but again, I digress.

I’m sure you’ve all heard the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffet, say that he hopes his taxes will soon be raised so as to be in line with what his secretary pays, but what he fails to mention is that he and his fellow cronies set up the tax and regulatory systems decades ago and that’s why he’s in such an unfortunate, under-taxed position. You see, there’s a difference between the 1% and the Banksters; yes, the Banksters are all part of the 1%, but a large majority of the 1% are not in bed with the Banksters. We need to recognize this before we go French Revolution on the entire class. History has shown that if you get rid of the top 1%, the other 99% will unravel. Yes, we’ll all be equal, but we’ll be equal slaves under the ‘new’ 1% anyway; except this 1% will consist soley of those who sell out their species for an inkling of power in the post-industrial world of this potential future. Meanwhile, the Banksters and Super Elite will still be at the top, laughing at all of us. The battle is against the Banksters, not against Capitalism, and not against the 1%.

Want some more evidence as to why you shouldn’t be going after the top 1%? Just look at the people who are ‘in solidarity’ with the OWS protest and you’ll know why those of us who are angry need to be educated and think independently rather than following the slogans and mantras thrown at us by the mainstream media. First on the list is President Barrack Obama. Yes, I’m sure that the man who received millions upon millions in campaign donations from the MegaBanks stands in solidarity with the rest of us against the corrupt Crony Monopolists. Go look up his 2008 campaign records if you’d like, you’ll see Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan right at the top of the list…yet this bum is trying to say he’s in solidarity with the protesters and ‘feels their pain’. I think Obama is more distressed over the NBA lockout than he is over the protesters’ situation. Now that I think about it, all I need to do is name one more person who has publically supported the protesters: Federal Reserve Chairman ‘Helicopter Ben’ . Case closed son.

So are these protests good or bad? In the general sense I’m pretty supportive of the movement as a whole. It’s extremely exciting to see people getting pissed off over the fact that their futures have been stolen by a bunch of crooks. The past 50 years of prosperity lulled the average American into a trance, and it’s good to see that people still have the motivation to take to the streets and cause a ruckus. While a good portion of them may be calling for socialism/communism/anarchy, a number of them are true Americans who understand that free-markets and Constitutionally-protected rights are the primary reasons why the United States became the apex of human civilization. Without a free economic system and individual liberties we might as well be China or North Korea.

As an aside, please don’t tell me China is a nice place to be or that we should aspire to be like the commies because their economy is doing better than ours.  First of all, the reason China is doing so well is because the Banksters and their Robber Baron cronies moved our entire industry over there as part of their attack on the American System. China is a Totalitarian government with draconian laws and horrible civil rights abuses, not to mention it’s full of slave labor. Go work 16-hour shifts at an iPhone factory for a year (at 20-cents per hour) and then come tell me that America needs to ‘help the masses’ the way China does.

Regardless, despite the coverage shown on television and articles posted on CNN.com, not all of the protesters are ‘left-wing liberals’ or ‘stoner hippies’ who are calling for an end to Capitalism. Many of them support the things which made America great, and some of them even have an idea of who’s behind the economic disaster we are facing. Still, the fact remains that most of them are unaware of who’s really at fault.

So what, if anything, will come from the Occupy Wall Street movement? I really hope that it gets people motivated to find out the truth for themselves, but the sad fact is that it will likely be co-opted by special interest groups who are Bankster-friendly. This has already taken place for the most part; while many true patriots are still out on the streets trying to save this country, there seem to be more and more calling for a war on the upper class and an implementation of a Collectivist society. Many of these groups have known connections with the Banksters’ power structure and are attempting to hijack the real movement for their own gains. I fear that this will become more apparent as time goes on as the mainstream media portrays Occupy Wall Street as ‘the Left’s answer to the Tea Party’ and the movement falls under Bankster control. Should this occur, be prepared for massive tax increases, uncontrolled inflation, and violence in the street. The only way to not fall prey to the Bankster’s psychological warfare is to get educated and educate others, which is why I write this stuff.

As always, thanks for reading and I hope you learned something. Every time I write an article I gain some insight into the Banksters’ plans to bring down and take over America and I hope you do too. The good news is that a lot of people are waking up right now and we have a good chance to seize the initiative and right the course. Still, there isn’t much time, and this is a very real and very dire situation we’re in. Please spread the word about this blog and this information; I don’t care if people don’t agree with what I’m saying as long as they’re thinking for themselves, but I do believe I make some damn good points that I challenge anyone to refute :)

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